Friday, February 22, 2008

In God We Trust

There have been battles waged in the United States by special interest groups in recent years in their attempts to remove "Under God" from the Pledge of Allegiance and to have the Christian cross at the Mt. Soledad veterans memorial torn down. There's also been, more or less, a constant barrage of attacks on the national motto, "In God We Trust." But there's also been a group of volunteers working quietly and efficiently to promote recognition of the motto, and their success is evidenced by the several dozen municipalities that already have adopted formal and permanent acknowledgments of that motto. It already has resulted in a long list of California municipalities specifically adopting the national motto as their own, and proudly posting it in their city council chambers.

"The United States of America has much to celebrate," a letter distributed to mayors and council members says. "The freedoms we prize were won through enormous pain and sacrifice and are perpetuated through tremendous courage and vision. Now to help preserve and protect the best of all that America stands for, a volunteer organization, In God We Trust-America, Inc., has been organized… Our mission is to encourage each city in our nation to join in prominently and permanently displaying our national motto, 'In God We Trust,' in every city hall throughout our great state and across America."

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