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"Mom and Dad" as well as "husband and wife" have been banned from California schools under a bill signed by Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, who with his signature also ordered public schools to allow boys to use girls restrooms and locker rooms, and vice versa, if they choose. "We are shocked and appalled that the governor has blatantly attacked traditional family values in California," said Karen England, executive director of Capitol Resource Institute. "With this decision, Gov. Schwarzenegger has told parents that their values are irrelevant. Many parents will have no choice but to pull their children out of the public schools that have now become sexualized indoctrination centers."
"Arnold Schwarzenegger has delivered young children into the hands of those who will introduce them to alternative sexual lifestyles," said Randy Thomasson, president of Campaign for Children and Families, which worked to defeat the plans. "This means children as young as five years old will be mentally molested in school classrooms. Analysts have warned that schools across the nation will be impacted by the decision, since textbook publishers must cater to their largest purchaser, which often is California, and they will be unlikely to go to the expense of having a separate edition for other states.
A call is being issued to Christians who have been engaged in the culture wars in California's schools to abandon the system, after Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger signed into law a ban on "discriminatory bias" against homosexuals and others with alternative sexual lifestyles. "We're calling upon every California parent to pull their child out of California's public school system," Randy Thomasson, president of Campaign for Children and Families. "The so-called 'public schools' are no longer a safe emotional environment for children.”
- JJ Commentary: This affront to God's design of family structure will surely call a curse down upon California.
RUSSIA: The barely reported highlight of Russian President Vladimir Putin's visit to Tehran for the Caspian Sea summit last week was a key face-to-face meeting with Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. A high-level diplomatic source in Tehran tells Asia Times Online that essentially Putin and the Supreme Leader have agreed on a plan to nullify the George W Bush administration's relentless drive towards launching a preemptive attack, perhaps a tactical nuclear strike, against Iran. An American attack on Iran will be viewed by Moscow as an attack on Russia.
- JJ Commentary: The Bible prophesies that Russian will align itself with the former Persian and Arab countries against Israel in the latter days. (Ezekiel 38,39 where “Rosh” is Russia in the NKJV).
PORTLAND, Maine (AP) — Pupils at a city middle school will be able to get birth control pills and patches at their student health center after the local school board approved the proposal Wednesday evening. The plan, offered by city health officials, makes King Middle School the first middle school in Maine to make a full range of contraception available to students in grades 6 through 8, according to the state Department of Health and Human Services. There are no national figures on how many middle schools, where most students range in age from 11 to 13, provide such services. About one-fourth of student health centers that serve at least one grade of adolescents 11 and older dispense some form of contraception.
Opponents cited religious and health objections. Diane Miller said she felt the plan was against religion and against God. A supporter, Richard Verrier, said it's not enough to depend on parents to protect their children because there may be students who can't discuss things with their parents.
- JJ Commentary: In a misguided attempt to prevent unwanted pregnancies in children, schools now provide encouragement for sexual experimentation in children as young as 11 years of age. Satan is quite pleased. The moral slide in America quickens with every passing day.
Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice told Palestinian officials yesterday she would pressure Israel against initiating any Jewish construction in eastern sections of Jerusalem, a senior Palestinian negotiator involved in talks with Rice told WND. The Palestinian negotiator stated Rice singled out Jerusalem areas as becoming part of a future Palestinian state and told his negotiating team she would publicly blame Israel for the failure of next month's U.S.-sponsored summit slated to be held in Maryland if the Jewish state didn't agree to evacuate eastern Jerusalem neighborhoods.
- JJ Commentary: Rice and the Bush Administration are so far out of line with God’s will for Israel and Jerusalem that it will surely bring down curses on the good old USA.
Former U.N. ambassador John Bolton says the Bush administration is caving in to global opinion by siding with Mexico and the International Court of Justice in their attempt to overturn the death penalty of an illegal alien convicted of raping and murdering two teenage girls. It's "a bad mistake, but one of many mistakes, I'm sad to say, the administration has made recently," Bolton said. Bolton insisted the U.S. has no obligation to the world court in this case. "It is ridiculous," he said. "The Vienna Convention on consular relations does not create rights personal to the individual. It's a state-to-state agreement."
U.S. lawmakers who signed the treaty did not believe they were creating a way for criminals on death row to "get around our judicial system," Bolton explained. Supporters of the administration on this issue contend the U.S. must back the world court in order to protect Americans abroad.
- JJ Commentary: Of course President Bush is caving in to the International Court because he is a card-carrying member of the New World (Dis)Order.
WASHINGTON – The U.S. Supreme Court will hear a case Wednesday in which the Bush administration will seek to overturn the death penalty of a convicted rapist-murderer at the behest of the International Court of Justice. Jose Medellin confessed in 1993 to participating in the rape and murder of two Houston teenagers. Jennifer Ertman and Elizabeth Pena were sodomized and strangled with their shoe laces. Medellin and four others were convicted of capital murder and sent to Texas' death row. A juvenile court sentenced Medellin's younger brother, who was 14 at the time, to 40 years in prison.
The intervention in the case by the Bush administration comes after the International Court of Justice found Medellin was not informed of his right to contact the Mexican Consulate for legal assistance. That, according to the Hague, was a violation of a 1963 treaty known as the Vienna Convention. Medellin v. Texas will be argued Wednesday and could determine the fate of Medellin and 50 other Mexican killers on death rows in the United States, including more than a dozen in Texas. All of them say they were not told of their right to contact Mexico for legal help.
- JJ Commentary: Just as the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund have assumed predominance in global finance, so too does the International Court of Justice and the World Court seek to take precedence over national courts – all part of the New World (Dis)Order’s plans for global governance.
JERUSALEM (AP) - Senior Israeli officials expressed support Monday for the transfer of Arab parts of Jerusalem to Palestinian control, offering a concession on one of the most contentious issues in the Mideast conflict. The offer appeared to fall short of Palestinian calls for a full Israeli withdrawal from key areas of the holy city. The officials spoke as Israeli and Palestinian negotiators were to begin talks in Jerusalem to work out a joint document they hope to issue at a U.S.-sponsored peace conference next month. The meetings were closed.
Ahead of the talks, a confidant of Prime Minister Ehud Olmert said he has proposed in recent talks with Palestinian officials to turn over areas of east Jerusalem to the Palestinians. The Palestinians claim east Jerusalem, which Israel captured in the 1967 Mideast war, as capital of a future independent state.
- JJ Commentary: If Israel were to forsake even parts of Jerusalem, it would break Yahweh’s heart and call down a curse upon His chosen people such as they have never seen before – all in sync with end-time prophecy.
TEHRAN, Iran (AP) — Millions of Iranians attended nationwide rallies Friday in support of the Palestinians, while the country's hard-line President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said Israel's continued existence was an "insult to human dignity." "The occupation of Palestine is not limited to one land. The Zionist issue is now a global issue." Ahmadinejad's remarks came as millions of Iranians held rallies across Iran to protest Israel's continued hold on Jerusalem, the city where Muslims believe Islam's Prophet Mohammed began his journey to heaven. The demonstrations for "Al-Quds Day" — Al-Quds is the Arabic name for Jerusalem — also spilled over into anti-American protests because of U.S. support for Israel.
According to the regime's mouthpiece, the president suggested holding a referendum on the transfer of Israel's Jews to Europe, Canada or Alaska. "Let all Palestinians including Muslims, Christians and the Jews attend the referendum," he added.
- JJ Commentary: God’s will is not subject to a vote. This episode is part of the end-time showdown between Christ and anti-Christ, between Yahweh and Allah, between the one true God and Satan.
WASHINGTON (AP) — Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff on Monday defended the construction of a fence along the southwest border, saying it's actually better for the environment than what happens when people illegally cross the U.S.-Mexico line. "Illegal migrants really degrade the environment. I've seen pictures of human waste, garbage, discarded bottles and other human artifact in pristine areas," Chertoff said in a telephone interview with the Associated Press.To curb illegal immigration, the U.S. government plans to complete 370 miles of fencing and put 200 miles of vehicle barriers on the southwest border by the end of 2008. But this has brought complaints that the fence and barriers are harmful to the environment. Chertoff said the department exceeded its goal to complete 150 miles of fencing along the Mexican border by the end of the 2007 fiscal year, Sept. 30th.
Illegal immigrants are getting driver's licenses and identification cards in cities and states that are bucking the national trend to take official documents and public benefits away from them. New Haven, Conn., began issuing municipal ID cards in July to all residents, including illegal immigrants. New York will join eight other states in giving driver's licenses to illegal immigrants, starting in December. Gov. Eliot Spitzer "believes it's important to bring a significant population in New York state out of the shadows … (and) allow them to participate in the economy," Motor Vehicles Commissioner David Swarts says.
- JJ Commentary: With such mixed signals, our illegal immigration problem will never get resolved, to the delight of the New World (Dis)Order folks who want to establish the North American Union.
A new survey released this week reports that 50% of Americans say they're personally worried about global warming. The survey was conducted in July by Yale University, Gallup and the ClearVision Institute. The survey also found that 62% of those polled think that life on Earth will continue without major disruptions only if society takes immediate and drastic action to reduce global warming, while 68% support a new international treaty requiring the USA to cut its emissions of carbon dioxide 90% by the year 2050. Also, 40% report that a presidential candidate’s position on the issue will strongly influence how they vote.
"One of the most surprising findings was the growing sense of urgency," said Anthony Leiserowitz, director of the Yale Project on Climate Change and the study’s principal investigator. "Nearly half of Americans now believe that global warming is either already having dangerous impacts on people around the world or will in the next 10 years -- a 20-percentage-point increase since 2004. These results indicate a sea change in public opinion."
- JJ Commentary: Surprising? Not with the constant drumbeat of the media shaping public opinion. The New World (Dis)Order folks want global issues that require global solutions leading to global governance. There is still no concrete evidence that the warming is human caused as opposed to being another of nature’s ongoing cycles.
WASHINGTON – The hottest selling book in China right now is called "Currency Wars," which makes the case that the U.S. Federal Reserve is a puppet of the Rothschilds banking dynasty and it has persuaded some top officials Beijing should resist America's demands to appreciate its own undervalued currency, the yuan. This might not be news of concern to most Americans if the U.S. dollar were not in precipitous free-fall, having reached record laws against the euro yesterday. But the American dollar's fate is hardly in the hands of the Chinese alone. Other foreign parties suspected of participating in a new "Currency Cold War" are Iran, Russia and Venezuela.
What would it mean if China ever threw its economic weight around by dumping dollars in a major way? Suffice it to say it is referred to in some quarters as China's financial "nuclear option," because it would be the economic equivalent of detonating a thermonuclear weapon in the world's financial markets. Diane Francis, a financial reporter for the National Post in Canada, says it plainly and boldly: "There is a Currency Cold War being waged by Russia, Iran and various allies such as Venezuela." The grand strategy being engineered by Vladimir Putin, she writes, is to force the use of euros as the international monetary standard.”
- JJ Commentary: This is a key strategy of the New World (Dis)Order folks as they move inexorably toward the one-world government prophesied in Revelation 13.