Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Election Analysis

So, what do we make of these 2006 elections? Why did we suffer such an astonishingly severe disaster?

Political pundits explain that it was a combination of two factors: 1) Liberal voters were turned off by the war in Iraq and President Bush; 2) Conservative voters were turned off by the Republican Party and President bush because they had not followed through on the "values" agenda which got them elected in the first place.

From a spiritual perspective, I believe that the anti-Christ forces outdid Christ's army. Does that mean we didn't pray or work hard enough? That depends on how "we" is defined. The "we" who participated in the two 40-day, 24/7 "sieges" or the seven 240hour Saturdays in Yavapai County or similar efforts did as much or more than required. The "we" who comprise the rest of the body of Christ performed miserably by not voting, not caring, not praying, not working for Godly government.

Apathy, complacency were the order of the day. Worse, many Christians believe we shouldn't be involved in politics (even though the Bible says the government is on Jesus' shoulders - Isaiah 9:6). Even worse, many Christians believe the lie of "separation of church and state" which appears in no official document (just in a letter from Thomas Jeferson to the Danbury, Conn. Baptist Church).

And why did Arizona become the first state in the nation that failed to pass the marriage amendment? First, in the natural, the language that was added to the amendment to say what a no vote meant caused confusion. Second, in the spiritual realm, Satan has heard all the prophecies about revival in Arizona, about Arizona "taking the point." Therefore, he marshalled his forces (demons, people and money) into Arizona more than anywhere else. The "remnant" in Arizona fought back hard and well - but the remnant wasn't enough.

So, what does this mean for the future? What about all those prophecies? The prophecies indicate that Arizona will lead the nation into revival. Government won't line up with God until the revival happens. So this must remain our primary focus.

This end-time revival will occur within and in spite of the devil's attacks. "For, behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the peopel: but the LORD shall arise upon thee, and His glory shall be seen upon thee" (Isaiah 60:2)

Scripture tells us that end-time government will all cometo worship the "beast" (i.e. the Babylonian system of finance and governance), so we must persevere in spitie of the situation in our nation (or any nation). "It was granted to him [i.e. Satan] to make war with the saints and to overcome them. And authority was given him over every tribe, tongue and nation (Rev. 13:7).

However, we know how it all turns out in the end, how we eventually will have the victory in spite of what our natural eyes and ears might show us. Therefore, the key is to persevere in faith. "Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us" (Romans 8:37).

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