Sunday, February 25, 2007

Beastly Government

German authorities who sent 15 uniformed police officers to take custody of a 15-year-old girl who committed the crime of being homeschooled now have suggested a solution that, in their minds, would "resolve" the situation: the parents should give up custody of their other five children. The situation involving Melissa Busekros has been in the headlines ever since the beginning of this month, when the officers arrived at her parents' home with a court order allowing them to take her into custody, "if necessary by force."

She had fallen behind in math and Latin, and was being tutored at home. When school officials in Germany, where homeschooling has been illegal since Adolph Hitler decided he wanted to control the educating of all children, discovered that fact, she was expelled. School officials then took her to court, obtaining a court order requiring she be committed to a psychiatric ward because of her "school phobia." She later was moved to a different hospital without her parents' knowledge, and then put in foster care. She was permitted to make a telephone call to her parents, although she was not allowed to let them know where she was.
  • JJ Commentary: Think that end-time beastly government is a myth? Think again.

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