Monday, April 9, 2007

Youth Attack the Homeless

A 2006 report by the National Coalition for the Homeless found 142 attacks last year against homeless people, 20 of which resulted in death — a 65% increase from 2005, when 86 were violently assaulted, including 13 homicides. By comparison, 60 such attacks were reported in 1999, the year the coalition — the only entity to gather such data — began to study the problem. And these numbers are likely low because they only reflect the most egregious attacks reported in newspapers or by agencies that serve the homeless and some victims themselves, according to Michael Stoops, acting executive director of the Washington-based coalition.

An overwhelming majority of the attackers — 88% — were 25 or younger; 95% were male. No less than 68% of those accused and convicted in attacks were between the ages of 13 and 19.
  • JJ Commentary: Our culture of death (e.g. abortion, euthanasia) and violence (e.g. movies, video games) has produced a generation of youth who have no regard for life.

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