Monday, April 30, 2007

Spiritual Treason

The United Methodist Church is being criticized for its alliance with a pro-abortion coalition, reports. The pro-abortion group The Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice, which is supported by the UMC among other mainline denominations, spoke out against the recent Supreme Court ruling upholding the ban on partial-birth abortion. Mark Tooley with the Institute on Religion and Democracy (IRD) says "the officers and the bureaucrats and the theologians of many of these mainline denominations heed the demands of feminist theology and the very aura of the sexual revolution."
  • JJ Commentary: The erosion of God’s absolute truth within mainline denominations is aiding and abetting the enemy and amounts to spiritual treason. Jesus said we are either for Him or against Him. It would appear that mainline denominations are at risk of incurring His wrath

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