Thursday, June 19, 2008

Political Correctness vs. Christianity

TORONTO — After four months of controversy over the roles of religion and the state, the government of Ontario has compromised by keeping the Lord's Prayer in the provincial legislature — and adding invocations from other faiths. Members of the legislature voted unanimously to retain the daily opening recitation of the Lord's Prayer, but starting Monday the prayer was joined in rotation with eight new prayers from other faiths, and a moment of silence to appease non-believers. Buddhist, Hindu, Muslim, Jewish, Baha'i, Sikh, First Nations (indigenous) and non-denominational prayers will alternate, along with a moment of silent reflection. More than 25,000 Ontarians wrote the premier with letters, e-mails and petitions; about 90% were opposed to the change. Many cited a need to keep the province's Christian heritage intact.

  • JJ Commentary: Amazing, isn’t it, how government thwarts Christianity despite the people’s preferences. A clear sign of the end-times.

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