Monday, August 18, 2008

Poll: Few Americans Worried About Global Warming

Only 1 in 4 Americans believes global warming is the biggest environmental challenge facing the world, a new poll reveals. The ABC News/Planet Green/Stanford University survey found that public concern over the global warming issue has diminished over the past year. Fewer than half of the poll’s respondents, 47 percent, think global warming is an important issue to them personally, down from 52 percent in April 2007. While 80 percent believe the earth is warming, that figure is down four percentage points from last year.

Doubts over the science behind the global warming issue still linger in people's minds, according to the poll results reported by the National Journal. Just 30 percent of respondents said they trust what scientists have to say about the environment "completely" or "a lot," 39 percent said they trust them "a moderate amount," and 30 percent said they do not trust them. Also, nearly 60 percent of respondents said there is "a lot of disagreement" within the scientific community as to how dangerous climate change is.

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