Tuesday, May 6, 2008

New Directions

I have not posted any items for almost two months now due to a restructuring of my ministries and priorities. I have turned over all of my previous ministry functions to our terrific ministers and volunteers, including the Gospel of Grace food and clothing bank, the Lion of Judah ministry and Yavapai County Call to Prayer, although I continue to oversee these operations as CEO and senior pastor. This is all because the Lord is calling me into new directions, which will continue to be performed under the Lion of Judah banner. The following excerpts from a recent announcement letter explain this new direction:

For a variety of reasons, I feel I must step down as the prayer coordinator for Yavapai County. Because of my health situation, I have been largely out of commission anyway, with others keeping the ball rolling. And, now that my health is improving, I must obey the word I received from the Lord last June (see below) which now is leading me in a different direction.

I am turning YCCP over to Sue Villone as prayer coordinator, since she’s been doing it anyway and remains highly committed to Arizona Call to Prayer. She is backed up by Rick Schmidt and Barb Trost leading the worship side, with other experienced volunteers in place, and committed prayer warriors all across our county.

It’s not that I don’t believe in what YCCP is doing. It’s that the Lord is calling me to move on from the “leading edge” to the “bleeding edge” (as we used to call it in the software industry). There must continue to be the foundation of prayer that you and many others continue to build up, for it is that foundation that will enable us to accomplish great things.

However, I do not believe that there will be a full transformation of government and society. Instead, there will be “pockets” of revival midst the gross darkness of Isaiah 60 which will create those beacons of light that will attract unbelievers from out of the trials and tribulations.

Even though I received this word from the Lord last June, I have been reticent to share it widely. Actually, I hoped that I had misheard. But still that word persists along with many other confirming words.

I then embarked on an intensive study to see if this great end-time revival is actually Biblical. It’s not. Instead, Daniel 9, Matthew 24 and the book of Revelation (in particular, chapter 13) paint a much different picture. The gross darkness of Isaiah 60:2, the “beginning of sorrows” of Matthew 24:8 have commenced and the Great Tribulation awaits. The promise of Psalm 2:8 will not be attained until Christ returns. The fullness of Joel 2:28-29 will also not be attained until that time, because we see in verse 30 that the context is when the sun is turned dark and the moon into blood, which is the “great and dreadful day of the Lord” in Malachi 4:5 and the sixth seal of Revelation 6:12.

Does this mean we shouldn’t keep up our efforts of prayer and spiritual warfare? Of course not. In fact, we must step up our efforts. But we must not so within the false promise of transformation, or else many warriors will “fall away” in discouragement when it doesn’t happen. Instead of a massive end-time revival, we will see “pockets” of revival within the gross darkness where the “gentiles” (unbelievers) will be drawn to the light of the Lord that shines through us from out of the darkness.

The Lord gives me mission statements that guide what I do (He has fulfilled 7 of them to this point). Now I have three more: 1) Light the Darkness; 2) Proclaim the Truth; 3) Prepare the Way. These will indeed cause “bleeding” for me, since I have already lost some good friends and compatriots as a result of standing up for what I believe. However, this is what I must do regardless of the worldly consequences.

I will keep those of you who are interested in knowing more about what I’ll be doing through my Lion of Judah ministry through email and my blog at lofj.blogspot.com (which I have not updated in awhile due to this change in direction). If you do not wish to receive any further emails from me, please reply “cancel.”


The LORD says: “I cried out to My Church, but she would not listen. I cried out to America, but she would not respond. Although there are a few who listen and obey, it is not enough to turn the ship of state. Judgment begins in My House, and My judgments will now start to unfold. America, I now pluck out your eagle’s wings and remove the covering of my own wings over you. Where once you were the hope of the world, you have sold out to Babylon and the shame of your harlotry is now uncovered for all to see. But still they won’t see, blinded by reason, tempted by riches, motivated by self. And so the countdown begins. Prepare ye the way of the LORD.”

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